Dream Team Recruiting
Drive more qualified applicants by engaging team members to provide valuable workplace feedback
and social sharing about hard to fill positions
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How does it work?
Let’s say you are struggling to hire a Sr. Software Developer on the Engineering team
Step 1
Invite Team Members
You can invite team members from the Engineering org to take a short survey about what it’s like to work on their team
Step 2
Compile Data into Recruiting Graphs
We then compile the team feedback into a handy page that provide valuable recruiting information related to this job and the team candidates will potentially work with
Step 3
Share on Social Media
Importantly, we ask that team members share the link to this powerful new recruiting info on their LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter channels to drive engagement and interest among a highly relevant candidate audience
Try it Now
Sign-up now to post a job and try something new that works to find candidates for your company – Dream Team Recruiting
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