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May marks four consecutive months of IT employment growth

The U.S. information technology (IT) sector added an estimated 8,700 new jobs in May, marking the fourth consecutive month of employment growth according to CompTIA.

CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association) publishes research on tech industry employment, skills and workforce trends throughout the year, including the annual Cyberstates analysis.

According to CompTIA, the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics “Employment Situation” finds May job growth occurred in three categories:

  • IT services, custom software development and computer system design (+ 6,600 jobs)
  • Computer, electronics and semiconductor manufacturing (+ 2,200)
  • Other information services, including search portals (+ 2,200)

“As one of the largest industry sectors in the U.S. economy, technology continues to extend its reach in terms of employment and economic impact,” said Tim Herbert, senior vice president for research and market intelligence at CompTIA. “While the ongoing shifts to as-a-service and software-centered models are evident in the data, hardware and infrastructure remain vital components of the tech ecosystem.”

CompTIA reports that employers posted nearly 314,000 job openings for IT occupations in May, an increase of 80,930 over April, and one of the largest month-over-month jumps in recent years.

Software and application developer openings took the lead in growth with 94,700 job postings, an increase of 26,500 positions over April.

CompTIA’s 2018 IT Industry Outlook projects a 3.4 percent growth for the year in software and application developer jobs, and a 5.0 percent growth in the overall IT sector.

The report states that “executives cite robust customer demand and the uptake of emerging product and service categories as key contributors” to the growth numbers.


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