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3 Tips for Improving Resilience in the Workplace

Resilience is the ability to recover from a negative event that life throws at you. According to a recent infographic by happify, having strong resilience helps you bounce back faster and allows you to enjoy your life more, increasing mental health and wellness. This week we’re exploring how to achieve resilience at work.

 Get plenty of rest

Research shows that you are more likely to be able to cope with stress at work when you have a full night’s sleep. Beyond resilience, a good night’s sleep improves performance, sharpens attention and even encourages creativity. All things that can make your workday better. A good day at work, then actually starts the night before.

Write about it

When you experience a setback or are under stress, write about it. Research has shown that when you write about your stress, even just a few short paragraphs, your blood pressure actually decreases and you become calmer. Writing has also been shown to contribute to a long-term improvement in your mood. So, reach for a pen and paper the next time you start to feel the pressure.

Go for a walk outside

Several studies have shown that walking in nature soothes your mind and in the process, changes the workings of your brain in ways that improves your mental health. In a recent study conducted at Stanford University, participants who took a walk along a tree-lined path, showed improved mood and less activity in the subgenual prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain associated with rumination (a.k.a. “broken-record fretting”). This means taking a dose of nature can help ease your troubled mind.

Stronger resilience in the workplace can also be formed by not taking things personally, putting things into perspective and realizing that sadness and disappointment will not last forever.


Infographic source: http://my.happify.com/hd/how-to-build-resilience-infographic/